COVID-19 Response

Featured Projects

AAPCHO is dedicated to ensuring community health-serving organizations, including Asian American (AA), Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (NH/PI)-serving community health centers have the culturally competent and linguistically appropriate resources to address COVID-19.

The goals of AAPCHO’s COVID-19 response are to:

  • Prioritize Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19
  • Support policy advocacy for equitable coverage and access to care
  • Identify and uplift promising practices in workforce transformation that increase trust and transparency among providers and communities of color
  • Engage in partnerships to build and sustain community-led coalitions to share culturally and linguistically appropriate resources.
  • Emphasize community health centers as trusted frontline providers



COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases Health Equity Response Network

John Nguyen-Yap, Director of Programs, Community Initiatives
Jen Lee, Deputy Director
Cara Skillingstead, Associate Director, Health Care Transformation

COVID-19 Community Health Worker (CHW) National Workforce Access Program

Nashia Choudhury, Director of Programs, Health Care Transformation

AA and NH/PI We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

Beverly Quintana, Director of Strategy and Impact
Paulo DelaCruz, Development and Special Projects Assistant


American Association of Retired Persons logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG

Project Firstline