This toolkit provides AAPCHO member health organizations and other Community Health Centers (CHCs) with tools and resources to encourage their participation in National Health Center Week (NHCW) 2020. The aim is to raise awareness about the value and impact of CHCs serving Asian Americans (AAs), Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPIs) and other communities.

Policy Outreach Tools

As a best practice, we recommend that you send a thank you letter to the Member of Congress (MoC) you visited with AAPCHO in Washington, D.C. or have met with in your local districts in the past. You can take this opportunity to invite your MoC to your health center’s NHCW event.

Social Media

Connect with AAPCHO on:

Post on social media!

Community Health Centers serve 28 million people annually. Support your local #CHC today! #NHCW20 #CHCchampions #healthequity

Sample Facebook Posts

  • In honor of #NHCW20, we are celebrating Community Health Centers for their commitment to providing accessible and quality care to everyone regardless of language, culture, immigration status, and ability to pay. CHCs are a vital part of our healthcare system, especially in the push for health care as a right for all!
  • #AANHPI community is a diverse and growing group in the US. AAs and NHPIs represent more than 50 ethnic groups and over 100 languages. CHCs served over 1,200,000 AA and NHPI individuals. CHCs like [add CHCs here] have addressed language, cultural, financial, and geographic barriers to healthcare for the AA and NHPI community. A big THANK YOU to our CHCs for keeping our AA and NHPI community healthy! #NHCW #valueCHCs
  • You can check out more information and resources at: [Insert link to one of the resources on the following page or to one of your organization’s resources.] #NHCW20

Sample Tweets

  • Let’s celebrate our #CHCs for providing comprehensive primary care in over 30 #AANHPI languages #AANHPIhealth #NHCW20
  • A big thank you to #CHCs! W/ over 50 ethnic groups & 100 languages #AANHPI need cultural & linguistically appropriate care #NHCW20
  • #AANHPI diversity is our strength. Proud of #CHCs for their diverse & accessible care for all! #NHCW20
  • Overcoming language & cultural barriers, #CHCs bridge the way to accessible & equitable care for #AANHPI & all communities #NHCW20
  • S/O to [CHCs twitter name(s) here] for their commitment to providing accessible, equitable healthcare for all! #NHCW20 #AANHPIhealth It’s more than just healthcare.

Multimedia Resources

Graphics & Images

AAPCHO #NHCW20 Graphic

Fact Sheets

The Health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers 2018 

Analysis of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health Outcomes at Health Centers: UDS 2018

Blog Posts

AAPCHO’s #COVID19CHC Stories Series

#COVID19CHC: Community Health Centers Providing Care to the Most Vulnerable Amid COVID-19

#COVID19CHC: Providing Telehealth Services for COVID-19 and Beyond

#COVID19CHC: Prioritizing Heatlh Worker Safety and Support

Other Resources

Practicing Cultural Humility in Community Health Centers 

NACHC National Health Center Week “Activities & Event Ideas”

NACHC National Health Center Week “Social Media Tools”

Community Health Center Champions