About AAPCHO Team

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So far AAPCHO Team has created 306 blog entries.

Umu Talk: A Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) Mental Health Talk-Story Series – Spring/Summer 2024

The Umu Talk Podcast, developed in collaboration between NAOPO and AAPCHO, highlights the lived experiences of NH/PI CHWs and partners. Each episode features talk story interviews with NH/PI community members to destigmatize mental health topics while providing support and improving advocacy for our community.

2024-06-26T11:20:36-07:00April 19, 2024|Programs and Services, Resources|

Social and Structural Impacts on Diabetes and Comorbidities Management for AA and NH/PI Populations Learning Series

This multi-part series features information on how health centers, providers, and patients can address diabetes and other comorbidities among AAs and NH/PIs. This self-paced series will feature learning modules that outline social, political, and environmental impacts on diabetes management.

2024-11-26T15:59:17-08:00April 16, 2024|Programs and Services, Resources|
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