The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) cordially invites you to this annual webinar to learn about AAPCHO’s data analysis of the HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care’s 2021 Uniform Data System (UDS) Data. The webinar will include recommendations to increase access to care, improve health outcomes, and promote health equity for Asian American (AA), Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (NH/PI) patients. Presenters will share preliminary findings from AAPCHO’s upcoming report, “The Health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers: An Analysis of the 2021 Uniform Data System.”
Learning Objectives:
After the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Present an overview of patient demographics, health utilization, and patient health outcomes at AA and NH/PI- and NH/PI-serving health centers;
- Highlight key differences between AA and NH/PI- and NH/PI-serving health centers and other community health centers across the nation based on the 2021 Uniform Data System; and
- Discuss the implications of key trends, findings, and opportunities to increase access to care and improve health outcomes at AA and NH/PI- and NH/PI-serving health centers.
Intended Audience:
Health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN), National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP) organizations, and community organizations interested and/or invested in health equity for AAs and NH/PIs. Other community and partner organizations interested and/or invested in health equity for AAs and NH/PIs are encouraged to attend.