Improving the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Patients Through Cultural Competence and Skill Training of Community Health Center Staff
The goal of the PCORI funded Research Project is to understand how educational and cultural competency trainings of clinical staff assist in improving health outcomes and patient satisfaction for Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) patients. Fenway Institute is the lead, and AAPCHO has 2 participating health centers (Waimanalo Health Center (WHC) and Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (CBW)).
Vivian Li, Research Manager/Analyst
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
The Specific Aims are: 1) Conduct interviews with patient and clinical stakeholders regarding how SOGI data are being used to inform patient care, and how they feel SOGI data should best be collected and utilized. 2) Educate providers in culturally competent patient-centered care with sexual and gender minority populations. 3) Compare the effect of a SOGI educational training program to usual practice on SOGI documentation rates and appropriate screening rates for LGBT patients.
More information about the project can be found here.