In 2023-2024, AAPCHO conducted an environmental scan of racial, ethnic, and language data disaggregation practices at community health centers. AAPCHO surveyed key health center stakeholders through a questionnaire and interviews about their organization’s data disaggregation principles, promising practices, and lessons learned. The environmental scan also included a literature review to inform the development of disaggregated data collection protocol training resources for AA and NH/PI communities at CHCs. This report outlines the data disaggregation principles, promising practices, and lessons learned based on the environmental scan and feedback from health center stakeholders.
Intended Audience:
Health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN), and community organizations interested and/or invested in health equity for AAs and NH/PIs. Other community and partner organizations interested and/or invested in health equity for AAs and NH/PIs.