AAPCHO Applauds Supreme Court Ruling to Block Citizenship Question from 2020 Census

June 27, 2019
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WASHINGTON – The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) today issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reject the Trump administration’s arguments to add the citizenship question on the upcoming 2020 Census.

“AAPCHO strongly supports the development and implementation of a fair and accurate decennial census. The Supreme Court’s decision to block the addition of the citizenship question, for now, from the 2020 census is a win for democracy and the millions of people in our country who were at risk of not being counted.

Blocking the citizenship question from appearing in the census helps ensure that vulnerable and low-income Asian American (AA), Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPIs) populations will be counted to strengthen their fair representation in the voting process. It also helps ensure that AA, NHPI and other hard-to-count communities receive proper allocation of federal resources for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and other federal and state health care programs.

AAPCHO applauds today’s Supreme Court decision and is committed to working with our members, elected leaders, and community partners to ensure a fair, accurate, and complete census count for everyone.”

AAPCHO is a national association of community health organizations dedicated to promoting advocacy, collaboration and leadership that improves the health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. For more information on AAPCHO, please visit

Kristine Cecile Alarcon, MPH, (510) 671-5054,

Media Relations